Pheasant Feathers & Day 2 of Speckles

So who is still reading blogs? I remember seeing this great poster at; 
“BLOGS; Never before have so many, with so little to say, said so much, to so few”. 😂

I still enjoy them, personally. There is only so much that you can say in an Instagram post, and it’s so limiting in terms of photography, captions, links to other pages etc. So I hope you’ll join me back on the blogging journey, I promise it won’t just be a long form of a sales pitch every time 😉

Pheasant 2024

When Tito and I were in Columbia, we had the opportunity to visit an aviary. LOTS of colours came from that day, including Condor, Falcon & Pigeon, as well as colours you know well, like Ibis, Muscovy and Pictus. Pheasant was part of that photo haul. Below, in order, are Falcon, Muscovy, Turkey and Pigeon.
Of course there were other adorable and gorgeous creatures that didn't make it to the colourway list :)
OK, time to talk about Pheasant ;) Note that this is the ORIGINAL Pheasant and the new one is going to look slightly different because the speckles are being updated to the new technique. I LOVE this colour. My personal preferences for yarn that I like to wear runs to the neutrals rather than the brights, and there are some colours that just don't work on me (bright reds, strong cyan etc.) so, for me, this colourway is *everything*.
Look at the plummage on this critter! It lends itself to speckles perfectly. And now I feel like I've completed the obligatory parts of the blog, lol, I have talked about things that are NOT the things that I'm selling, plus added context and other fun parts from that day :) Ok, this is really contrived... forgive me while I get back into the swing of things. Here is what's actually for sale now :)


Yarn in the skein, with base options from lace to Dk and yardage options from 300 to 1200. 


A pair of skeins for your sleeves, a big gradient for the body, and extensions for the yoke. Click here to learn about our gradient kits!


Hats and gloves, matched socks with little extensions, all those babies live here :) Click here to learn about accessory kits!


Just want to make the gradient longer, at either end? Have a special project in mind that requires a bit more yardage? Here's where you get those :)

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