100,000 folks are interested in stuff I make

The Blue Brick Blog – at a mere 1.5 years old, is about to hit 100,000 hits! I’m so stoked I’ve decided to celebrate.
Firstly, though I’ve never understood the appeal until now, I’ve now got a twitter account. Hook me up, @CraftKninja (kninja, get it? Very clever…) to hear and share even more in the wonderful world of crafting goodness.
Secondly – a contest! At that many folks I’m really feelin’ the love – so I want to give some love right back. One lucky winner will get this lovely resin necklace in the mail:

To enter, leave me a comment telling me what your favourite craft is. If it’s something I don’t know yet, maybe I’ll take it up! Contest closes on Wednesday January 18th. I can’t wait to hear about everything you wonderful folks love to do.
From the bottom of my crafty little heart, thank you :)