A day at Wonderland, through Instagram

This weekend I have done nothing but have fun. Dearly needed, overdue, fun. Sunday was the icing on the funnel cake as a bunch of us spent a glorious day at Canada’s Wonderland.

A rainy morning combined with a long weekend resulted in a park that was practically deserted by normal standards. The skies opened up into a beautiful, clear blue and we never spent more than 5 minutes lined up for any ride. Score!

My diet went to hell, and I enjoyed every minute of a cheeseburger, fries, funnel cake and cotton candy. I shall redeem myself later, but no regrets.

All these photos were taken with the instagram application on my iPhone. It’s a great little app if you haven’t tried it – and however cynical I might be about a kitchy little photo app that lets you put filters and faux tilt-shift effects on your images…. well this one is addictive. I admit it.

Hope you all had an amazing long weekend!