Today, tomorrow and Wednesday are the *last* days of the discounts code RAEKAL at checkout to get 15% off your ombré yarn purchase – so take advantage, even if you don’t plan on participating in the KAL! The KAL itself starts July 1st, and we’re aiming to make sure all orders are dyed up and shipped out a week in advance.

We have a newsletter! The next time you check out our website, click on the button at the bottom of the page to sign up, for advance previews, new colour way sneak peeks, special discount codes and more!

We are closing our store for the month of July. There are a few reasons this is needed; the big one is that we are preparing for our first major fibre festival, Twist! Happening August 20-21 in Saint-André-Avellin, Quebec, this promises to be HUGE. Accordingly, we are taking as much time as possible to prepare inventory.

The other reason (shh!) is that we are looking to sell our lovely condo and buy a house. This is not an easy decision for us because we love where we live, but the reality is that The Blue Brick is not just a hobby, it’s a business, it’s our future, and it’s here to stay, and that means we can’t keep dyeing out of our kitchen.

Our home is pure chaos, and there is no space left for us to actually live in, so it’s time to make a change! Of course we’d like to stay in Toronto, which is madness, wish us luck!

What else is going on… the swatch project is almost done, and you’ll notice that the product images in our store now have little swatches included to help you see how the gradient plays out. Keep in mind that these gradients have been dyed over 100 yards, and are much more compressed as a result than the full sized skeins would be, but they should still give you a good idea of how the colours look together.

I have so many goodies planned for fall – new products, new colours, new patterns, all kinds of exciting things are in the works. In the meantime, I hope you’ll join us on our KAL for the month of July!