Aloha! The Hawaiian Yarn Series and a Blue Brick Luau!

Aloha! The Hawaiian Yarn Series and a Blue Brick Luau!

One of the things we learned in Hawaii is that “Aloha” doesn’t just mean “Hello”, as I previously thought. According to wikipedia:

Aloha (pronounced [əˈlōˌhä]) is the Hawaiian word for love, affection, peace, compassion and mercy, that is commonly used as a simple greeting.[1][2]

I love this. I love that this multifaceted word means so many good things! I thought about Aloha while designing these yarns, and I hope, respectfully, that I managed to include some of that spirit in both the yarn and photography. These colours will be added to our line permanently starting Friday. They will each replace something, so if that something is a favourite of yours, you will have two days to place an order.

These new colours will also be at the Knitters Frolic on April 28th (Booth 31, Shokokai Court), and if you’re local to us we’d love to have you at our Hawaii Colours/Book Launch Luau! Yes! We are throwing a Luau at Spin Me A Yarn and I couldn’t be more little girly-excited about it. We’re going to have flowers in our hair and leis around our necks, there will be Mai Tais, spiked fruit punch and possibly even a pig roast (failing that, pizza with pineapples… but I’m almost certain we can do better). There will be new colourways, copies of the new book, kits for all the new patterns, and of course prizes and giveaways! Save the date: Friday May 11th.


Coastline – Replacing Torii

Coastline is soft and tropical and warm, though made of blues, greys and slates. Variegated with brown and moss-toned speckles, it’s a fun colour for pretty much any project, including sweaters. It would go beautifully with Seafoam or Bauline if you’re looking to pair it with something.


Here’s coastline in context with a few other colours, from left to right: Cobblestone, Muddy Husky, Coastline, Seafoam and Bauline.


Caldera – Replacing Ocean Fortress

Replacing Ocean Fortress was a hard and scary decision, it’s been a favourite for a long time and it’s our oldest existing colour. However, you can approximate it by combining Willow and Iceberg, so it was also a bit redundant. I hope the new colour makes you just as happy :)

Caldera is based off perhaps the most dramatic photo of the trip; the Milky Way emerging over Kilauea’s caldera lava lake, and shot through the trees. Rich, hot yellow changes to a mild lilac tone and then descends into deep blues. On sparkle yarn it’s especially yummy, and we’ll definitely have sparkle bases at the Knitter’s Frolic!


Kilauea – Replacing Gerber Daisy

This is the last of the Hawaii Series, though not the last of the colour substitutes (read on). Kilauea is a very rich colour, going from fire tones through to deep blues (from the metallic flashing that you get on cooled lava as minerals are leeched to the surface) and then a solid black. It’s a daring colour, a committed colour, and has all the drama it deserves for a photo where I literally melted my sneakers.


Next up are colours that are not from Hawaii, but are being added to our permanent line. First up is “Storm” – which is “Overcast” by another name. I loved the denim blues too much to let them go. “Storm” is going to replace “Sundown”.


Last one – you may have seen this colour sneaking around on Instagram and in the “Country House Knits” book work. This is “Stucco” shot off a wall in the south of Spain making it, quite literally, a Spanish Yellow.


Stucco has already been used in a few projects, and it works up beautifully.


That’s it for new colours for 2018, with the exception of our pop-up series colours, which may or may not continue through the summer as we enter festival season. I hope you’re as excited about them as I am! I hope we will see you at the Frolic and also at our Luau this spring. Lots of great things in the offing :)

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