This yarn began its life as an Etsy OOAK called ‘Green Sea’ that I snagged from a Tanis Fiber Arts Etsy update. Not only was it a OOAK colour, but it was some kind of super special base with silk, and I think cashmere in it. So unsurprisingly, I hoarded it for the better part of a year before doing anything.
Then I thought I found the perfect pattern. I wound it up and cast on. I got through 5 rows, and then my cat ate it. A OOAK TFA ball. Cat lived. That’s how much I love him.

But then I decided that the pattern had bad mojo (hey, I had to blame something) so the yarn sat for another few months before I decided on Magrathea as a vacation knit, packed it up and went off. I cast on in a hotel room in Puerto Rico while my family slept thinking ‘I bet I’ll finish this in one go!’ (pride goeth before the fall…). I got home with this much done.

Almost a year later it made an appearance in a New Years post about WIPs that I really had to get my act together on. It looks a little bigger there, though I don’t recall working on it. I wrote that off to a happy accident, resolved to get on it, failed, and there it sat until a week ago.

One week of determined knitting later and a photo of it blocking rose to instagram fame (for me, that means 40 likes. I was pretty excited).

It’s done, and I love it so much I can’t believe I sat on it for so long.

Some folks on Ravelry mentioned that they had run out of yarn, but out of a 400 yard skein, I got 28 repeats of the petal pattern, and still had about 7g left over. I am very happy with the wearable size, and asymmetrical fit.

My only comments are to heed the designers advice about leaving 25% of the yarn for the edging charts, and to be aware that on the last chart, your marker will shift over, twice. It’s not mentioned in the pattern, so it threw me off, but if you trust the chart and keep going you will find that things line up. Ravelry project page here.

This is random, but I have to include some pics of how pretty the evening was. The lake was so calm, and the sky was so textured. It was one of those days where one reflects the other perfectly. It snowed a bit last week (don’t ask how a Torontonian feels about snow in late April) and we were very grateful for a nice evening to take photos!