I don’t get creeped out easily – abandoned places fascinate me, and the more decrepit the better. So when we found an abandoned factory in a place called Lyons Falls, upstate New York I was ready to settle down for a good long study.
They also had a dam and a waterfall – I mean, abandoned factory and waterfall? I thought we’d be there all day.
However, and I feel a little silly admitting this, but as soon as we got to the little beach were you could get a good view of both these things, I felt super creeped out. As in ‘We need to leave’ creeped out.
A long time ago Tito and I jokingly came up with what we call the ‘Paranormal Activity Accord’. You know, in a horror movie, there’s always that lousy significant other who doesn’t believe that something weird is happening? Who insists on checking the basement/following the blood trail/renting the cottage that everyone claims is haunted? We agreed that we would never be that lousy SO. What it means for us, at a practical level, is that if one of us feels strongly about something, the other person doesn’t need to get it, or even understand, but they need to respect it, and they need to be able to go with it. Many disagreements have been thwarted by this agreement.
However, we’ve never felt the need to actually apply it to a paranormal activity. Neither of us believes in ghosts, or gets creeped out easily. At that moment though, we looked at each other and said, ‘we need to go’. And we left. We didn’t even pack up the cameras, just threw them in the car, and left.
It shall remain a mystery. Something in the air? A watcher in the trees? Random bad mojo? Tired, paranoid people? I have no idea. Yes, I did google it, and no, it didn’t turn up anything.
Before we left though, I did get pics :) What do you guys think?