Game of Thrones… as expressed in fluff.
Almost a year ago Rayna gifted me a braid of fluff in a really soft superwash blend of merino/bamboo/nylon (called, I have just learned, ‘Panda’) by Dripping Fiber Studios. The colour way was called ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ and, being that I was into the books, she thought of me :) I’m sure GRRM would approve.

Fast forward to my finally having a wheel, and some fledgeling skills to go with it! I divided the braid into 5 more or less equal parts; 2 parts were all blue, 2 parts were all brown and the final one was a blend of the two.
I spun the blended one first, here is my single:

And here it is, navajo plied (clumsily) so you can see the colour groupings have stayed together.

The other 2 were spun as solid colours. Here are my singles:

Creating the 2-ply (looks very yarny!)

My final product. It felt so good to take it off the bobbin. Actual yarn. Made by my hands. I now understand the joy and the wonder of spinning.

I’m going to give it a wash, check my wraps per inch (though I think the bulk of it is a convincing worsted) and, just possibly, knit something from it.

Here are the 2 skeins side by side – you can really see the difference between the navajo plied yarn and the 2-ply blue/brown blended yarn. Amazing how you can get such different results from the same braid.
