Gettin’ my knit on…
I’ve had a horrid problem these past few months (that, as a positive, side effect, led to my spending so much time exploring resin) which is this: something is the matter with my wrists.

They ache like nobodies business. It’s not even a mystery – between 17 years of karate, 20 years of using computers, 10 years of pottery and the knitting marathon that followed my discovery of hand knit socks…. it’s a wonder they don’t creak like old wheels.

As a result, I’ve focused more on resin and given up (largely) on knitting for a few weeks now. It’s been _awful_. I couldn’t take it anymore, and started (slowly) trying to get my knit on again. Here is my latest FO – another Bev Cowl, done up with 2 skeins of TFA green label in ‘Chris Grey’. This pattern is so snugly and warm, and totally free! If you like it, click here to make one of your own :)

My knitting partner in Crime, Rayna from the Crystal Diva, went out with me on the weekend and helped me choose a few needles for magic loop, which should ease up some of my issues – and gave me a lesson to go with my shiny new Chiagoo cables :) wish me luck!