Glass Lampworking, take II

Glass Lampworking, take II

Before I show you todays piece I want to express my sadness and horror at the devastation Japan experienced with this morning’s earthquake and Tsunami. I’ve been to Japan, and I can say that they are an impressive people; strong, disciplined, brilliant, cooperative and resilient, and I know they will show all of those wonderful qualities in the days ahead as they deal with this terrible tragedy.

glass lampworkingThe bead above is just a solo bead that I didn’t do anything with yet, but I was so thrilled with how beautifully it turned out that I had to put it up here – I love the colour, the details and the way the brown just sweeps across the blue! If I had the skill I’d make 12 more beads just like this one so I could make a bracelet, but alas I don’t have the skill to make things that actually match yet.

glass lampworking bracelet

Speaking of trying to match things though, here is my 2nd attempt at a bracelet. Though none of the beads match each other, they were made with the same techniques, and the same colour glass, so that helped create a cohesive result.

glass lampworking bracelet

Here is a close up view. I broke out of my colour scheme a bit this time by going with violets in stead of the predictable turquoise. I’m back in the studio for 2 hours tonight though, and I think I’ll try and make earrings this time.

glass lampworking bracelet

glass lampworking bracelet

glass lampworking bracelet

glass lampworking bracelet

I’m definitely addicted, can’t wait to go back and try some more tonight!

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