I’m getting better at this… more glasswork

I’m getting better at this… more glasswork

I’m getting better at this :)

lampwork bracelet

This is the front view of my latest bracelet.

lampwork bracelet

And a side/clasp view. With this one I used the same colour scheme for all beads but experimented with different forms and shapes. I discovered that flattened beads sit more comfortably against my wrist. I’ve got a bunch more ideas stemming from this, can’t wait to get back to beadfx!

lampwork pendant

This is my favourite piece so far – I took the best bead from my last session and purchased an attachment that would let me hang it from a chain.

lampwork pendant

Out of all my lampworked stuff this is the first one I’ve loved enough to wear.

In other news I’m almost out of the long dark eternity of the sweater – I’m finishing up the seed stitch hem on my TFA sunset cardi and will be starting the sleeves this weekend! I’m well on target for getting to wear it at the knitters frolic this May, but hoping to have it earlier as it’s occurring to me that, by May, things in Toronto may be a little warm. I’ve also got a fun idea for making the clasp out of glass, we’ll see how that plays out ;o)

Speaking of that sweater – I had started a fair isle design at the bottom that turned out pretty badly owing to a) my poor understanding of intarsia and when you need to secure your strands differently and b) tight strands, which started to pucker. I had to frog it back for 4 inches and chickened out of re-attempting the fair isle in favour of just finishing it with the sunset. To aid me in this adventure I used this handy tutorial from knitty.

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