I’m Hooked!
This weekend, despite all the social stuff we had planned, I managed to get an entire Zauber Ball through the loom.

I’m so hooked. I’m totally in love. I’m obsessed, and we’re warping up a plan for a plaid scarf now!

I spent a ton of time on google last night and demystified things like what to do with my ends, and how to create different patterns.

The material is surprisingly soft and supple once blocked – not all stiff and canvassy like I was expecting.

Self-striping and crazy yarns that held no interest for me before are now calling my name…

Not to mention it takes great instagram pics :)
I love this loom. I’m so happy we spent the extra money and got the beautiful 20″ Ashford instead of a smaller, or cheaper loom. This thing is beautifully built, a blast to use, and a complete rookie like myself got something gorgeous out of it in just 6 hours from warp to tying off ends.
Time for a trip to the LYS!