I’m writing a book!

From my intro:
I have been working with resin for 6 years, and in that time I’ve made some beautiful things, but also had some tragic failures. I’ve been inspired by the beautiful things to keep going, and learned from the failures until I got to a point where I could get predictable results. Over time I’ve specialized in an area that I enjoy very much – preserving natural materials such as flowers and leaves to create lasting, unique jewelery.
This guide is the sum of my experience in resin to date – do’s and don’ts, tips, tricks and methodology all distilled from my learning process these past few years. I hope others can use this as a foundation guide to create and share beautiful things of their own.
I cover the gamut, from how to select and preserve flowers and leave, to using multiple stage pours to get a perfect finish. Open-backed bezels, layering techniques and techniques for preserving non-organic material such as Japanese Washi are covered. At the end are 4 projects, of increasing complexity, to guide you through growing your skills until you can produce any of the items in my inspiration gallery.

All of it is laid out in beautiful, clear spreads with tons of step-by-step photography, tips on how to get better results and clear, written directions.

Over the years I’ve received a lot of questions on my technique for getting the colours and textures of natural materials to come through in the jewellery – here it is, all in one place. I’m aiming for a release date of late summer – in time for folks to be able to try their skills with this years autumn leaves :)

I’m so excited to be doing this – with my amazing editor Leslie and my patient photography assistant (AKA boyfriend) this has been a great learning experience for me. Right now the plan is to produce both beautifully bound print copies (likely in the $20 zone) and e-reader copies. I can’t wait to actually hold the finished book in my hands, and I hope it will inspire lots of people to create their own beautiful things!