Late Orders
Sorry guys, it’s not normally my habit to get too personal on the blog but orders are late and folks have a right to know why; earlier this month my beautiful, compassionate father-in-law passed away. I mentioned it on instagram, but didn’t realize to what degree this sad news would set back production. We flew to Winnipeg see him before the end, which thankfully, we got to do. When we got home he passed away, so after a tumultuous week we flew back for the funeral. All told we missed 2 weeks of production time, and for a small business like ours, that’s a lot. This doesn’t include time to grieve or to rest. Small business life is like that, and honestly, I still wouldn’t have it any other way. I hand-paint every gradient, and can do a maximum of 40/day. If you do the math, late orders become an inevitable reality; a fact I failed to convey to customers, which is totally on me.
It never rains but it pours; the following week my cat died, and then our water heater gave out (heat is essential to dyeing). I realize my problems are not my customers’ problems, Christmas deadlines are looming and the post is starting to slow down with the holiday volume. I’m so, so sorry for the impact this has had and I feel awful.
I have to beg a little more patience from folks who have waited too long for their orders, or have received shipping deadlines from me that didn’t happen. I’m truly sorry, and if anyone affected by this would like to email me about a discount code or a full refund/cancellation then I am more than willing to make it right.
We expect all late orders to ship by Friday. If you have questions or concerns please feel free to write to me at