Mood Boards of the Moment

Mood Boards of the Moment

Starry Night is closed for ordering and all that yummy yarn is getting dyed up next week. Thank you to everyone for making my first club release such a success! The Starry Night pattern will be released on February 1st to Ravelry.

Time to look at the next club colour way, and I’m starting to put my mood boards together. This is just as much fun as the actual painting! All the mood boards are made from my own photos. First up, memories of my trip to Ireland: Rich blue/green/moss. 50 shades of green.


Then I got to thinking about brighter, more tropical things. Like this one that I’m calling ‘birds, bugs and blossoms’:


As a photographer, I never get tired of skies. Yes they’re done, but can you really ‘overdo’ something that changes ever day? Nope.


And finally, rocks. Seems boring, right? Neutral, grey, but oh-so-textural, and I would like to replicate that depth and texture with yarn.


I have no idea where I’m going next, but you’ll get to see it (hopefully) soon because I’m dyeing up all the tests over the holidays!

What do you think? Stay tuned for more ideas!

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