October Club – Purple Rain
I was going to call this “Charcoal Plum” but really, is “Purple Rain” not perfect? Not only is is homage to the favourite musical artist of our resident wonder worker, but the words evoke the greys contrasted with bright hits of purple, which was the goal here.
I was also going to do something more October’y (we explored a harvest peaches option) but orange wasn’t calling to me this month. This month I wanted rich lipstick, cool rains, sweet plums, and something that reached back to my misguided youth as a little goth kid.

Source: Flower Basket, Hair Colour
Thus “Purple Rain” was born – transitioning from a rich, plum purple through a bright pink band and deepening to purple again before hitting lilac and cooling off to grey. A complex blend, but totally worth it. Purple Rain will be available on our website for the first 36 hours of October, from 9am EST on Sunday the 1st to 9pm on the 2nd.
I feel like I need to address the elephant in the room here; Copper Slate took a long time to ship. I don’t want to come up here to make excuses, but please know that we did all we could to get it out faster. Paypal holding our funds, combined with the popularity of the colour resulted in a much longer fulfillment process than we would normally consider reasonable, and for that you have our sincere apologies!