RAE KAL Ideas!
We’re gearing up for The Blue Brick’s first KAL! Rae, by Jane Richmond, a gorgeous, mindless, massive squishy shawl, starting July 1st! Click here for more details.
Don’t forget – until June 22nd you can get 15% off your Blue Brick purchase by using the discount code RAEKAL at checkout! I backed up the end date by a week to give everyone’s orders time to ship for the July 1st cast on :) Hope to see lots of you casting on with me!
To help open up more choices, I’m opening up the KAL to include projects where you use 2 skeins of DK weight – used end-to-beginning to make a palindrome (for example, starting the first skein at the coloured end, and the second skein at the white end). That’s 600 yards of DK weight, and would make an epic-sized Rae! Here are a few examples of what I mean:



I’ve been knitting up my swatch project for a few days now, and I thought I’d put together a few versions with the Rae shawl shape mapped onto them – to help you see how the colours would sit. Bear in mind that these are swatches, which means that the colours have been condensed *a lot* (into <100 yards) and that your actual piece will have the colours spread out over a much longer space. Here are some ideas where each end of the scarf will have a different colour:


Gerber Daisy

Kim’s Barn


Orange Creamcicle

Of course, there is always the original, Peggy’s Cove as well! Happy shopping, can’t wait to cast on with everyone!