Shall we KAL?
The Blue Brick KAL officially starts today! I know there was some confusion about start times because of the Shipping Episode, but hopefully we’re all back on the same page :)
Because I know some folks have already started, we’re going to change the way prizes work to keep it fair, so here goes!
There are lots of ways to track your progress and share images with us:
Join our Ravelry group and post comments/images to this thread.
Follow us on Instagram and tag your image with #RAEKALBLUEBRICK
Join us on Facebook and message us your images!
- And, if social media is just not your thing, email us at :)
The KAL ends on Monday August 15th. Every Monday starting July 25th I will combine all the entries from all four of the above threads and use a random number generator to choose a winner! Here is the prize schedule:
- Monday July 25th – A free Blue Brick pattern of your choice
- Monday August 1st – a 20% discount coupon for our online store
- Monday August 8th – A pair of ‘sock option‘ matched gradient yarns
- Monday August 15th – A skein of Niagara MCN, in your choice of colour!
If you want to enter more than once, using more than one avenue, go for it, and you will get extra numbers in the prize count. If you share this on your own blog, be sure to let me know so I can add another count for that as well! KAL away ladies! I can’t wait to see what everyone makes!