TFA Gem – A Palindrome Weave

Another diversion from vacation photos to show you the beauty I pulled off the loom a few days ago. After finishing my first palindrome scarf in one of Tanis’ old multi colour ways, I went on a hunt through Ravelry destash to see if anyone else was hoarding an old skein that would work as a palindrome. I managed to get my hands on Prism, Gem and Glacier.

This one is Gem. Gem lends itself nicely to the palindrome technique because the colour runs are nice and long (Prism, you will soon see, has very short colour runs. This means that trying to line up colours in the warp is a short-cut to a drinking problem.).

The weft is a 100% tencel hand dyed skein that I picked up in San Francisco (more on that store soon!) The colours in the tencel were a perfect match for the Gem.

In both skeins, the colours are intense.

This resulted in a stunning, and very intense scarf. These photos were all taken on a dull day, down by the lake with a dull wooden background. The scarf needed no assistance to really pop.

My next experiment will be with a skein of Sweet Georgia that is similar to Gem but with more intense purples. The weft will also be tencel–I really love the shine and texture of it!