The Friday Shiny – Resin Sun

The Friday Shiny – Resin Sun

For the Friday Shiny I’ve got some serious eye candy today. I’ve discovered the moulds of Agata Piotrowska, owner of the Etsy shop Resin Sun.

Resin Jewelry ©Shireen Nadir 2013

Agata makes dimensional moulds – that is to say that instead of pouring the resin into a flat bezel, or even pouring it into a silicone mould, you pour the resin into a 3 dimensional form. I have gotten throughly addicted to her spheres, and have the 14mm, 17mm, 20mm and 25mm. The moulds are beautifully crafted, and produce seamless results. You can tell she’s a perfectionist!

Resin Jewelry ©Shireen Nadir 2013

Just look at the lovely possibilities with a mould like this. Instead of a 2 dimensional piece you have a round thing that turns in the light and shows all sides of the material within. It’s perfect for flowers, like this blue chicory.

Resin Jewelry ©Shireen Nadir 2013

Agata is also sweet, accommodating and fast. She lives in Warsaw, Poland, but when I ordered my moulds they arrived incredibly quickly. I love the fact that she lives in Poland – isn’t it great that art and inspiration can travel world-wide? I have been so inspired by her work that I am adding 2 new sections to the book:

A 6th project to produce my ‘Jungle’ pendant gives you step-by-step instructions on how to get the best results from your mould and produce the lovely piece pictured here:

Resin Jewelry ©Shireen Nadir 2013

And a new addition to the ‘Preserving Flowers’ chapter that teaches you how to preserve flowers while maintaining their shape – for use in dimensional moulds such as these, cubes, bangles and more!

Resin Jewelry ©Shireen Nadir 2013

Folks who have already bought the book will receive the update free of charge, but if you’re inspired to get started and you don’t have the book yet you can check it out here and get your skills underway. The updated version will be ready by the end of the month.

Resin Jewelry ©Shireen Nadir 2013

Thank you Agata, for inspiring me to take my book further, for producing such beautiful moulds, and for being so wonderful to work with. I can’t wait to try the rest of her work!

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