The Ocean and Earth Shawl

The Ocean and Earth Shawl

I loved my TFA Colour Affection so much that I had to make another one – in colours that sing Shireen. Ocean and earth colours from 3 skeins of Viola Viola that I seem to recall having made, and discarded, other plans for, came together for this beloved new wardrobe staple of mine.

Colour Affection Shawl

This time I followed the Yarn Harlot’s suggestion of adding a yarn over at the beginning of each row and dropping it on the way back to create some ease along the edge. Worked like a charm.

Colour Affection Shawl

I’ve taken FO shots of this shawl no less than 4 times, and this was the only set that survived. I’ve been plagued by tech fails, including, but not limited to, my camera!

Colour Affection Shawl

It all worked out – that day there was a Nova Scotia and New Brunswick tourism event going on at Harbourfront. Now, if you read this blog with any regularity you know that I think the East Coast is the most beautiful place in the world. My shawl, having been inspired by that very region, belonged at this event…

….where I had pie for breakfast…

…got to watch someone spin on a wheel…

…and got to have this giant cat model my shawl.

Oh, what did I do with this lovely version?

I gave it to Jeanette, my beautiful shawl model of course. It suits her perfectly :)

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