The Sammy Mystery Contest!
Sammy is a gorgeous, perfect, mystery mutt. Could be anything, our friends and vet have thrown all kinds of ideas out; springer spaniel, border collie, short-haired brittany, German pointer etc., and we have decided to solve the mystery once and for all!
We’ve gotten Sam a kit from DNA My Dog and just sent in her cheek swabs today. So here’s the contest! The first 5 people who guess the *closest* to Sam’s actual breed mix will get discount codes for 20% off our website. The First Place winner will get a skein of yarn of their choice, any colour, any base, shipping included. Deal? Here we go!
This is from the FAQ on their website:
Why are several breeds listed on my Canine Breed Composition DNA Analysis Certificate, and what do the levels mean? In processing, breeds are detected as ranges rather than absolute values. These are then listed on your certificate as Levels, which are defined as follows: Level 1: Over 75% of the DNA found in your dog is from the breed listed. Level 2: Each breed listed represents between 37-74% of your dog’s DNA Level 3: Each breed listed represents between 20-36% of your dog’s DNA Level 4: Each breed listed represents between 10-19% of your dog’s DNA Level 5: Each breed listed represents less than 9% of your dog’s DNA.
So to enter, follow these steps!
- Follow us on instagram and tag a friend who likes yarn and/or puppies!
- Leave a comment on this instagram post or the blog or Facebook telling me what you think Sammy is made up of. Put the breeds in the order you think she’s composed, with the dominant breed first in the list.
- That’s all! When her results come back (approx two weeks) we’ll post them here and name the winners! If there is any confusion about the order of comments, and many people make close guesses I will switch to a random number draw to choose winners
Here’s what I can tell you about Sammy; she’s about 18 months old, she weighs 52lbs and the Niagara Dog Rescue had her listed as a Border Collie/Australian Shepherd. She has a gentle disposition, a big girl bark and is very defensive of her home. Soft, floppy ears, a fox brush tail and gorgeous hazel eyes. She also loves chin scratches, but that’s not that helpful ;)