The show is a week tomorrow.

The show is a week tomorrow.

So here I am, almost done production. I’m trying to get my head in order. The show is 90% complete, and I can honestly say that it represents some of the best work I’ve ever done.

A lot of the techniques I used in the show were new to me, or invented by me. There’s been a lot of trial and error, a lot of 3 am revelations and a lot of fail. A *lot* of fail. There have been setbacks; I lost a few weeks of pottery production due to a broken finger, a few bowls and plates to a bad glaze batch and at least one large gorgeous plate to a malicious mold that made it’s way into the clay. I had many failures before I could perfect my technique for preserving autumn leaves in resin – this one is totally new and totally my own and I unabashedly confess that I am extremely proud of it.

I’ve lost sleep, developed a back problem, missed weeks of Karate and gone broke in my pursuit of this creative collection. Tito has born the brunt of it like a champ – I know my mental absence, bouts of irrational emotions, sleeplessness and stress have been hard on him but he’s been there; driving me around, picking up supplies, staying up late with me and brainstorming solutions when I was at my wits end. My parents also have championed this cause – being endless sources of positivity, financial bailouts and loving support. I can’t begin to express how grateful I am.

There have been unexpected gifts too, the biggest and best one of which was my mom deciding to take an interest in making jewellery. I’ve loved all the time we’ve gotten to spend together, walking around, getting supplies, creating, learning, growing. I’m so proud to say that her blood pressure is way down, and so are her sugar levels. I honestly believe that her new interests have contributed to her renewed health. She is learning new things, having great ideas and designing beautiful things. I’m so proud of her, and so inspired.

People have been so supportive. I have been humbled and amazed and filled with gratitude at the number of folks who have supported my efforts, promised to attend the show, spread the word to their friends and talked me up. Everyone is so amazing, I’ve got the best family and friends.

The show is next week Wednesday. To those who are on the fence, give it a shot and I promise you’ll have an amazing night. Quite aside from the art, the show includes performances by a *very* talented R&B singer, food from a truly excellent Italian restaurant and your very presence will be supporting a wonderful local school for children with learning disabilities.

The show is centred around this concept of Inspira;  I am so inspired, always, in my photography. The majesty of an iceberg, the delicate beauty of an emerald hummingbird, the tumbling power of lava, the perfect coating of ice on the trees, the transitory and poignant beauty of a sinking city. I have tried, with clumsy and sincere hands, to allow these things to transcend their photos, to express themselves in jewels, glaze, in alchemy, and become something that others can admire, and wear and keep forever. I hope I have succeeded.



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