The Wooly Star
Is there any end to the things you can do with fibre? This weekend I picked up my first needle felting kit at the Purple Purl and decided to try this tutorial – except just as a patch instead of onto a sweater.
This is so easy, I can’t believe I’ve never tried it before. I took a cookie cutter and filled it with wool roving (not superwash!) I started with the largest gauge needle. All you do is basically poke at it until the fibres start to condense and stick to themselves.
Every so often you have to turn it over. Here is the first time I pulled it off the foam – I was not impressed. I should mention – when the package says the needles are extremely sharp believe it or not they’re not lying. I found out, repeatedly, the hard way. I recommend always working on foam to be safe – this is not for very small people!
But then…. after a surprisingly short time I had a star that even my incredibly picky self could feel good about. I kept at it for about half an hour, gradually changing down to the smallest needle size for better detail.
I’m not sure if this is kosher, but I occasionally sprayed the star with a little water to hold the fibres where I wanted them while I felted. There seem to be no adverse results from this.
Afterwards I sewed it onto a grey hoodie – it’s crooked, but I love it :) Next up – my adventures making 3D things!