Time Lapse Experiment #3 – the Blooming Hyacinth
I’ve got the time lapse bug again, and last weekend I spotted the perfect thing for my next experiment – a potted hyacinth. Apparently store bought plants are ‘forced’ to bloom by freezing and then thawing the bulb before sending it to the store. It sounds mean, if you think about it, but it made this fast blooming plant the perfect subject for a timelapse.
I placed the plant in a lightbox with flanking lights to try and ensure consistent lighting throughout the shooting process (just about 36 hours were recorded). As you can see, the results were lovely, but imperfect lighting-wise, and I’ll probably shoot in the dark next time so I can control the light completely. I thought about it… but didn’t want to deny the plant sunlight. Here is the set up:

The lightbox, the camera and the fill lamps…

…And the enormous number of things I clustered around the tripod to keep my kitties from rubbing against it. **Note to self** – When Tito pointed out that all I had done was make the tripod a far more appealing thing to explore than it would have been if I’d left it alone… he was right.
Room for improvement – but definitely on the right track. BBC, here I come! =D