Treasure Hunting
On Sunday, our awesome friends Johnathan and Bev took us treasure hunting at an antique market out in Milton.
Places like this are fascinating…
…filled with old books, old toys, furniture, art….
…even things that are creepy…
…and then, SHAZAM!
Here’s what I was able to find out about it – circa 1860 (we researched wheels from that era, and the design seems to match), missing a few bits, and best of all – about a quarter of the price of any wheel I’ve seen for sale here in Toronto. Score.
It looks so happy in it’s new home.
Tito and started taking the elbow grease to it, bringing out the natural shine from under decades of dust.
Stage two was taking wood filler to the obviously broken bits.
Stage three happens when my spinning instructor Leslie Ordal can come by to take a look at it and tell me which bits we might need to build for it. It’s my first wooden restoration job – Can’t wait to see how it goes!