Victoria Butterfly Gardens

Victoria Butterfly Gardens

Victoria Butterfly Gardens ©Shireen Nadir 2012

I love revisiting an old shoot that I just never got around to processing. It’s like finding clothes that you bought and never wore in the back of your closet. Our trip to BC last year is like that; I’ve processed it in bits and pieces but never really looked at the whole thing. This week I unearthed the shots from a butterfly conservatory we visited on Vancouver Island, and the shots were so colourful and varied I had to share them here. So I apologize for the image heavy post, but these were so cool I just couldn’t choose.

Victoria Butterfly Gardens ©Shireen Nadir 2012

This, is an Atlas Moth. It’s bigger than my hands (hands – plural, like both my hands. True story).

Victoria Butterfly Gardens ©Shireen Nadir 2012

What’s even more interesting than a giant moth? This:

Victoria Butterfly Gardens ©Shireen Nadir 2012

The conservatory was huge and varied, and included gorgeous birds as well like this pink flamingo;

Victoria Butterfly Gardens ©Shireen Nadir 2012

And this fellow – who was not interested in being photographed but had the most colourful and beautiful feathers.

Victoria Butterfly Gardens ©Shireen Nadir 2012

Here’s another view of ‘grumpy’. Anybody know what species this is?

Victoria Butterfly Gardens ©Shireen Nadir 2012

They also had a chameleon that we got to befriend. I love his expression. It’s like he’s perpetually aghast at something.

Victoria Butterfly Gardens ©Shireen Nadir 2012

Victoria Butterfly Gardens ©Shireen Nadir 2012

There was also this gorgeous little frog.

Victoria Butterfly Gardens ©Shireen Nadir 2012

And of course, there were butterflies. Lots and lots of them, flitting around and landing on the camera.

Victoria Butterfly Gardens ©Shireen Nadir 2012

Victoria Butterfly Gardens ©Shireen Nadir 2012

Here’s the website for the Victoria Butterfly Gardens if you’re ever in the area, it’s worth a visit!




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