Where I Wish I Was – Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia

Where I Wish I Was – Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia

Peggy's Cove ©Shireen Nadir 2012

Has anyone else noticed how much the nature of work has changed for them in the past few years? This summer my boss, and most of my clients, worked while on vacation. A few weeks ago I was sick; I worked from home. I take my midday meal at a working lunch and frequently work evenings and early mornings to catch up. It used to be a deadline thing, now it’s a new normal thing.

Peggy's Cove ©Shireen Nadir 2012

I blame a host of reasons – smart phones allow people to work anywhere, any time. People can reasonably expect that I will check email, even if it arrives at night. I always have my computer with me, and I happen to love what I do, which can make the line seem a bit blurry when you’re pulling serious overtime.

Peggy's Cove ©Shireen Nadir 2012

It reminds me of the value of unplugging these days. Turning off the phone, not answering email, and doing things that are soul food. Eating well, sleeping well, spending time with our favourite people, pets and pastimes and remembering to breathe.

Peggy's Cove ©Shireen Nadir 2012

My favourite place in the world to do all of these things is Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia. Today, when I am up to my ears in deadlines I remember the rocky isolation, the sound of the ocean, and the afternoons that I spent alternating between napping on the warm rocks in the sun and knitting while listening to the waves crash.

Here are some photos of the place where my soul sings, and where I wish I could be right now. Enjoy!

Peggy's Cove ©Shireen Nadir 2012

Peggy's Cove ©Shireen Nadir 2012

Peggy's Cove ©Shireen Nadir 2012

Peggy's Cove ©Shireen Nadir 2012

Peggy's Cove ©Shireen Nadir 2012

Peggy's Cove ©Shireen Nadir 2012Peggy's Cove ©Shireen Nadir 2012

Peggy's Cove ©Shireen Nadir 2012

Peggy's Cove ©Shireen Nadir 2012

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