Yarn Swift!
Santa was very good this year! Among many lovely things (like girls-night-out tickets from my best friend, and lots of gift certificates to the Purple Purl!) I got two absolute killer gifts:
1. Tito got us tickets to see the Lion King! Mufasssaaaaa!!!
2. A yarn swift at last! A lovely wooden umbrella one. In one evening I believe I went through every single skein I had and wound it up. I even ran out of skeins and started re-balling stuff just because it looked messy.

You might notice a small bottle of mezcal amidst my yarn arsenal. There’s a reason for this – and it’s not the one you think! 20 Years ago I was given that bottle by my uncle Len because I was fascinated with the worm in the bottle. Throughout my teenage years many people (including me) were dared to open and drink it, but it never happened (probably a good thing). Now, after all these years I’ve finally discovered the perfect use for it!

See ? I still need to feed the yarn with my left hand a bit, and to keep it from burning, the bottle is just perfect! It shall stay with my swift from now on. Feel free to bite my tequila technique should you ever be in search of the perfect tool for feeding yarn to a ball winder.

I love the way yarn looks when it’s all balled up! These two are both alpaca skeins from Rivendell Alpacas, and were dyed in my first Kool Aid experiments. I can’t believe how nice they look! You’d think I knew what I was doing.

Speaking of mad skillz check out my lovely line up of un-skeined Tanis Fiber Arts yarn – 6 lovely balls of the Sunset colourway – the first ball is halfway though in my first ever sweater! It’s been a while coming; I have a feeling it’ll be ready in time for warm weather ;) It’s a simple top-down cardigan, I’m pretty excited to see how it turns out.

Mmmm… Yarn. I’m such a nerd, but I still can’t wait til the Purple Purl opens so I can go spend those gift certificates on more things to wind up!