Are you the LYS for us?

Are you the LYS for us?

DSCF1635We have been toying with the idea of participating in stateside shows for a while; Vogue, Stitches West, TNNA etc. After much deliberation, we realized we’d rather team up with a store in the US to represent us than go through the process of importing ourselves.

So we are on the hunt! Do you have a favourite LYS that you think would be a good match for us? Are you a yarn store owner in the continental US who regularly participates in these shows? Do you enjoy bad Canadian stereotypes?

What we provide; gorgeous ombre yarn, inspiration images, print and social marketing support, POS support, pattern support and our lovely selves (we would travel to each show to hang out at your booth and tell bad jokes).

America; we already thought you were great, and we’d like to come hang out and get crafty. Email me at and let’s talk!

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