BC – Goldstream National Park
Finally we’ve gotten around to processing some images from our trip to BC. These images are from Goldstream National Park. The park contains stunning, giant, ancient trees, a beautiful waterfall and a scary high railroad trestle.

Oh, and enormous maple leaves!

This image of the waterfall is a 3 photo stitch. You can get an idea of the size of the waterfall if you look to the upper right; there is a person in a red T-shirt just visible there getting ready to climb over the edge.

Another view of the waterfall.

If you circumvent the waterfall and start climbing to the top you can reach the old railroad trestle, which I thought was out of use. It’s a short, but intense climb during which you cover approximately 150 metres of height to get to the trestle.

The trestle was scary but I reckoned I’d try to climb out to the little balcony just visible on the right, halfway across the bridge.

I’m not scared of heights, but this bit made me nervous.

When I finally made it to the bridge I could look down into the gorge over the tops of the trees. If you look along the shadow you can see the silhouette of me waving. After this pic I made my way back. Out of curiosity I googled the park afterwards and my heart just about stopped when I read these words:
“Make sure you check the train schedule before crossing the trestle!”