Cape Spear, Newfoundland
After our 5 day haul (including a hard trek across the island in 10.5 hours on Tuesday) Rayna, Tito, Kayleigh and I arrived in St. John’s Newfoundland yesterday evening.
Rayna’s father is my kindred spirit. He’s a photographer, adventurer and he loves Paul Simon (with special emphasis on the Graceland album). When we arrived I was dying to go out shooting and he asked if we’d like to see Cape Spear. Cape Spear, Newfoundland is the easternmost point of North America, and therefore the place where the sun touches the continent first.
We asked what time we should be ready and he said “Say 5am? you want to see the sun rise there, don’t you?” I just about lit up like a Christmas tree. I wrote to my parents ‘When you see the sun today, think of us. Of all the people who live in North America, we saw it first.’
We are not looking forward to the end of the trip and the inevitable (though temporary) ’til next times’ but in the meantime we are being treated like nothing else. Rayna’s kitchen skills are exceeded only by that of her mother and Rayna’s dad spent the rest of today touring us through the St. John’s area, with a promise to do more tomorrow.
Rocks, water, I’m in heaven. I’ve said it before and I stick by it, Newfoundland is a photographer’s paradise and my favourite place in the world.
Every year a few tourists decide to climb down on the rocks and get washed out to sea. I own the t-shirt ;) but I promised I wouldn’t be *that* tourist.