Rocks & Water; Middle Cove to Flatrock NF
In lieu of a post, here are some of my fave pics along with some of the best quotes I’ve overheard here on the island.
“When you’re throwing dirt, you’re losing ground.”
“I feel like someone dragged me through a bag o’ nails.”
“Maple Leafs? Might as well just let a bunch o’ goats out onto the ice.”
“Indeed I is (a Newfoundlander), me old cock, and long may your big gib draw.”
“Everybody and their dog got one o’ those.”
(He’s so handy that) “He could put an ass in a cat.”
“It’s hot enough to knock up goats.”
“You look like a birch broom with the fits.” (in reference to a bad hair day)
And my personal favourite:
“There is no such thing as bad weather. There is only inappropriate clothing.”