Dramatic Weather
We’ve had some stormy weather here in Toronto – which always makes for good photo ops ;) Unfortunately we weren’t positioned well for getting great lightning pics, but it did make me want to share some of my favourite lightning shots from last year.
This was a nice capture – I took it from the balcony of our old apartment which used to have a great view of the CN tower. Lightning hits the tower frequently and usually it’s so bright it blows the shot right out – but for this one I used a very fast shutter to capture the bolt.
And ditto for this one.
This was taken looking north up Spadina – I’ll bet this storm looked great over the lake.
This one made me literally jump in the air when I saw the shot – lightning is such a crap shoot, so to speak, you never know if you’ll catch one!
Tito and I love chasing storms around – for more lightning photos you can check out one of my earliest blog entries from us storm chasing north of Toronto =o)