Mothers Day Farm Fest

For Mother’s Day I wove two huge scarves (pics of the second one to come later) and took mom and dad up to Gryphon Highland Cattle Farm for the day to meet Kim and spend some time with her critter collection.

Here’s mom showing off her scarf :)

Here she is with Bourbon, Kim’s 5 month old bull.

Kim, rocking out her gifts, the Aurora scarf and a metallic print of her and her bull (because Kim is the uber Mama).

Lunch :)

Kim has a 2 week old baby who is a real heart-melter!

Kim and Yummy.

Family photo.

Another baby pic.

Mom and Jethro.

Jethro trying to come home with us.

My new best friend :)

It was a beautiful day, perfect weather, and my parents had a blast!
To be a mother is to selflessly give of yourself to look after a little life. I wish a belated Happy Mothers Day to all the mamas out there, no matter how many legs your babies have <3