Late last night the book went to print – lots of time, passion, knitting, photography, layout, tech editing, spell checking, proof reading, retouching and planning have gone into this project that I confess to be so very, very proud of.
The book tops out at 80 glorious pages of beautiful photography, large charts, written directions and behind-the-scenes shots. There are 12 patterns in all.
The release plan for the book: Printed books are $35, and E-books are $29, and you’ll be able to start ordering both from our online store this Friday April 7th! In addition, printed copies will be available from our booth at Frolic (Booth 31, Shokokai Court!). Printed copies ordered online will ship after April 13th, which is when I expect the prints to arrive here, so if you can’t wait for Frolic, or are not attending, you’ll still be able to hold a copy in your hands this month :)
Now, what’s a release without a contest? So here we go; follow us on instagram (@thebluebrickish) to enter, or leave us a comment if you’re already following us, and we will do a random draw of three knitters from our instagram followers who will each receive a free copy of the E-book!

Book Excerpt:
We’re a little biased here, but we think gradient yarn is special stuff. To take advantage of the special qualities gradient yarns offer, there are a few things to consider when selecting a pattern. For example, to really show off the gradient of the yarn, you should use up at least 85% of the skein. Or, as another example, when creating triangular and crescent-shaped shawls, as your stitch count gets longer, the distance between colours gets compressed; this can impact the transitions in your gradient.
Different shapes lend themselves to different complexities of gradient, and patterns that are written to be adjustable allow you to make the most of your yardage. Patterns with lace and cables shine because the yarn, while colourful, is not busy and overwhelming, as the colours are presented one at a time rather than all at once.
It was with these, and other matters considered in these pages, that this pattern collection was written. Each pattern includes recommendations for which of our gradients suits it best. Almost all of the patterns are adjustable, and can be worked until you run out of yarn.
Refer to the list on the right to see how our colourways divide up, then pick your pattern to match. There’s lots to
choose from, with a little something for everyone. We’ve put a lot of time and passion into our collection, and hope you enjoy it!
Without further ado, here are the book patterns:

Starry Night


Berry Vanilla

Samwise – Shawl

Samwise – Cowl





