Rocky Mountain High
Blogging today from beautiful sunny Vancouver where I’ve just completed 3 fantastic helicopter shoots – one of which included a trip through the Rockies and two of which were in absolutely magical golden hour and blue hour light. Today I wanted to just share the Rockies pics. I’ve flown over them before – the foothills outside of Calgary, but this was far more spectacular.

My assignment was to shoot a selection of properties in the downtown core, but we had 4 hours of flight time, so I figured it was time for a bucket list item.

It’s one of those things. I’m trying to figure out what to say here that can possibly convey what it was like to witness and to photograph them. Lacking as I am in words I’ll go with a poem by Emily Dickinson that I love: “The Mountains—grow unnoticed”

The Mountains—grow unnoticed—
Their Purple figures rise

Without attempt—Exhaustion—
Assistance—or Applause—

In Their Eternal Faces
The Sun—with just delight

Looks long—and last—and golden—
For fellowship—at night.

I’ll share the pics of Vancouver too – but these had to come first ;)