Smaug, Chiefest and Greatest of Calamities

Smaug, Chiefest and Greatest of Calamities

DSCF0889Further proof of the genius dyer at Inglenook fibres. Mother Macrina recently decided to shatter my fiber diet plans by releasing a series of batts inspired by the Hobbit. With a name like ‘Smaug, chiefest and greatest of calamities’ how could I resist? My nerdy little heart went all a flutter.

She took this image from ‘The Hobbit’:


And turned it into this unbelievable batt, which I haven’t touched yet.


But she also sent me this 50g sample braid to match, in a 50/50 yak/silk blend:


Which I have turned into this!


The Yak/silk is a challenging spin at first, so I spun from the fold. The results are just lovely and now I want more of it!

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