So now I get to reveal something that is both very sad and kinda exciting. Rayna, my fibre buddy, confidant, bridesmaid, craft companion in spinning, dyeing, weaving, designing… in other words one of the most important people in my world, is moving home to Newfoundland. Permanently.
In a lot of ways this sucks, and I’m going to miss her like mad. On the other hand, she’s moving to one of my favourite places in the world and a place I will happily visit regularly to see her and her hubby (though, as was pointed out, if she was moving to someplace ghastly I would still find a way to visit regularly).
All their stuff is being shipped home for them. There are 2 things, however, that need to be driven there (the car itself, and their doggie). Tito and I have opted to drive with her, to keep her company on the road and help get her settled.
We’re light packers. Camera gear will take up more room than clothes, and the only other thing is knitting, because that’s a lot of hours to be on the road. I confess that I’ve thought more about what knitting to bring than I have about what clothes I should pack. Then yesterday I saw Sous Sous by Norah Gaughan:

So last night I did this:

I knitted a sweater about 5 years ago and it turned out too tight so I frogged it. I bought a sweaters worth of Tosh DK in a colour called ‘filigree’ and cast on the ‘Effortless Cardigan’ but I missed my gauge and it was turning out really huge, so I frogged that too. I’ve never knit a successful sweater, but this pattern really captured me, and what better project for a week on the road?
I tell myself that she’s not moving that far, that the internet is a wonderful thing, and that I’ll see her regularly. I know that there will be some teary farewell’s in 2 weeks, but in the meantime I’m super excited for the drive! I will try to blog daily as we pass through some of the most gorgeous country on earth. Old Quebec City, Montreal, Moncton, the Bay of Fundy, Peggy’s Cove, Cape Breton Island, Port Aux Basque and then across the island to St John’s, this promises to be a gorgeous drive.