Thank you so much to everyone who supported my hand dyed yarn launch day! We were overwhelmed and humbled by the response we received and are working hard to get everyones orders packaged and out the door as soon as possible. I have received many messages over the past few days, and I thought I’d try and answer them here.

I didn’t get what I wanted! Are you going to repeat colour ways?
There are some colours that we plan to add to a ‘signature’ series. Among them are Kim’s Barn, Merrickville Gold and Highway 11. We will continue to add signature colours, but we also hope to keep things dynamic by constantly using new photos to bring fresh colours to the store.

When will there be another update?
We are taking this week to look after fulfilment of everyone’s orders. After that we will be hitting the dye again right away, and are hoping to have an update ready in 2 weeks.

Can you please make more of each base?
I know it was frustrating that there were so few skeins available per base, so this time we will be creating fewer colour ways, but more skeins for each of them, to give everyone a better chance to get what they want.

Will you do custom orders? Can you work from one of my photos?
Alas, this is not something we have the capacity to do right now. We are a tiny operation, in a tiny apartment, but in the future, who knows?

I am picking up the photography prints for everyone’s order today. Your photos will be either 4×6 or 5×5 depending on the shot, and printed to kodak metallic paper for a beautiful depth of colour and sheen that you can’t get from regular prints. I really hope everyone enjoys the prints as much as the yarn.

Thank you again to everyone who came out to support us!