The Art of Total Strangers
It’s a pretty amazing feeling to see a photo of something someone else made using your designs. I started designing patterns for Ravelry last year and I wanted to share some of the project photos that other knitters have posted. That someone invested time, skill and yarn to make one of my ideas is both awesome and humbling :)

These knitted boot toppers by Teresa were one of the first projects I saw. Teresa was kind enough to share here photos with me. I love the wooden buttons she used!

This is a version of the Lisa shawl made by Kriss. I love the way she modified the centre column, and the colour she chose. I know the Lisa shawl is labour-intensive, so I was really impressed with her version!

Speaking of labour-intensive, check out this Bay of Fundy scarf by Kathrin. She invested a lot of time and effort to make this huge wrap. The yarn is gorgeous as well :)

My favourite thing about this piece is the fact that Kathrin lives in Germany. Someone in Germany wanted to make a scarf inspired by one of my favourite places in Canada, how wonderful is that?

And last I wanted to show off the first of the Put a Little Love Out cowls that I’ve gotten back. This one is from the talented Yvette, who sent me this lovely photo :) Pink wool accented by an i-cord and pompoms make this an adorable and beautiful cowl.

Speaking of Put a Little Love Out – I’m hoping to share some of the beautiful stories I’ve gotten back very soon, so if you haven’t yet sent me a photo of your cowl please do, so I can share them in the blog post! If you’d like to learn more or participate, it’s not too late, check out the link here!