The Blue Brick’s Yarn Bases
We’re ready to ship! Everyone who ordered last Friday can expect their goodies very soon. I finally got my yarn tags in, which was the last bit I needed. I can’t express how happy it makes me to see this pile of Merrickville Gold with my yarn tags attached.

On that note, I’ve finalized my list of bases that the Blue Brick will carry on a regular basis. We’ve chosen to name each base after a place in Ontario that we love. It may be confusing at first, but we find it quite charming, and though we plan to branch out into photography from around the world, I wanted each skein to still have a connection to home.
Tobermory Worsted
- Worsted Weight
- 100% Superwash Merino
- 200 yards/182 metres per skein
Escarpment DK
- DK weight
- 100% Superwash Merino
- 256 yards/234 metres per skein
Killarney Sock
- Fingering Weight Sock
- 80/20 Superwash Merino/Nylon
- 420 yards/384 metres per skein
Point Pelee Lace
- Lace Weight
- 100% Superwash Merino
- 980 yards/877 metres per skein

All skeins are shipping with a 4×6 or 5×5 print (depending on the shot) on kodak metallic paper. In addition, we plan to carry a few special things from time to time:
Niagara MCN Sock
- Fingering Weight MCN Sock
- 80/10/10 Superwash Merino/Cashmere/Nylon
- 378 yards/345 metres per skein
Lake Superior Bamboo Sock
- Fingering Weight Bamboo Sock
- 70/20/10 Superwash Merino/Bamboo/Nylon
- 466 yards/426 metres per skein

As soon as all these goodies are in the mail, we will get dyeing again! Over the next few days I will feature each of my bases one at a time, with photos of the place that it’s named after :)