Eventide KAL

Eventide KAL

Starting August 1

The Eventide Sweater KAL (Knit-Along for those of us who haven't done one before!) will start on August 1st, 2021!

Eventide is my first Sweater Design!

And I'm feeling pretty chuffed about it! So to fully enjoy my first sweater in all its gradient glory we're hosting a Knit Along! How does a Knit Along work, you ask?

It's pretty simple! You cast on your Eventide Sweater on or around August 1st, along with everyone else who has chosen to take part. You post your progress on Instagram and tag us, and add the hashtag #EventideKAL so we can find you. Every so often we will chose folks who are participating and posting for puppy point prizes. Criteria for winning could include:

The Pet Participation Award; does your furbaby help you knit? Show us your WIP and your fuzzy friends!

The goofiest WIP and FO photos! Show off your work and have fun with it!

The best  knitting in random places! The best knitting in the heat! First finished! Most finished!  Coolest non BB project! And whatever else strikes our fancy as we move along with our virtual KAL party.

Talk to us as you go! Are you having trouble with the pattern? Tons of folks will be knitting right along with you, including our talented mega-mom Linda, so there will be lots of assistance. If it's your first sweater it's a great opportunity to make along with many others for camaraderie and feedback. We'll share our favourite images to  our IG page as well.

The (incredibly loose) RULES.

Cast on when you like! We're making the cast on date August 1st to allow folks ordering from the June 1st updates to receive their sweater kits, but honestly, once the pattern is out, have at it.

You can use a gradient kit from me, or use WHATEVER YOU LIKE.  Using BB yarn is not a pre-requisite! The pattern itself will be released to our site in the very near future, as soon as our main test knitting is complete. I won't have y'all KAL with a flawed pattern.

If you want a gradient kit, and you haven't already ordered one, the upcoming shop update (June 1-3, or whenever I hit the cap) has Frith, Inlé, Eventide, Winter Magnolia and Avocado on all-over gradients. We will also have Cerise and Venice on gradient sleeve kits. Again, not critical, but definitely extra fun to have an ombré sweater afterwards!

No worries on timing! Slow knitter? No sweat. Fast knitter who is lapping the rest of us on their third project? We love/hate you and it's totally cool. Our criteria for awarding puppy points is based off you tagging us and using the hashtag to share how its going. We'll randomly pick winners until Sept 30.

The only real kinda sorta rule is that for us to award you puppy points in any meaningful sense, you'll have to have an account with us :) So head on over when you have time and set one up ❤️

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