Adventures in dying wool (or how to not remind people of Jim Jones)
I needed lots of single serve packets of Kool-Aid – so I could have the most colour variety possible. I went to the Sobeys near my place and loaded up on about 30 single serve packets, in as many different colours as I could get. I took my findings to the cashier, where the person ahead of me in line kept glancing back at my absurd collection. I decided to clarify for him.
Me: I’m dying
Person: You’re What ?!
Me: Yeah, tonight – you can do it with Kool-Aid – did you know that?
If you want to try it yourself here are some basic guidelines (use superwash, natural fibers):
- Wash the yarn, and let it soak for about half an hour. Add a cup of vinegar (this helps the Kool-Aid be colourfast)
- Put the yarn on the stove and bring it to a very slow simmer. Doing this slowly is key, otherwise you might felt your yarn.
- Add the Kool-Aid – either pour the crystals directly into the pot, or mix with a little water to form a concentrated solution and add that to the pot. Needless to say, don’t add sugar ;o)
- You can add different colours to different parts of the yarn to produce a varigated yarn, or do the whole thing in one colour.
- Let yarn simmer for another half hour or so and then take it off the heat.
- When it’s cool, give it a gentle rinse and hang up up overnight to dry.
Here are some pics of my favourite self-dyed pieces =o)