Boulder Opals and Aurora

Boulder Opals and Aurora

IMG_7595Yesterday I posted a photo of some of my favourite jewellery pieces – opals!) and it got me in the mood to experiment with some new colourways. First up – Boulder Opal (of course!) – full disclosure here – I didn’t have a boulder opal handy to shoot, so I worked with an image online, but I’ve got opals on the way! Because opals are now a business expense, hooray!


This is a deep ocean blue fading to sapphire blue at one end, and framed in by a rich brown at the other end.  I really wish the yarn was phosphorescent somehow, to really complete the look.


For my other experiment, I chose to work once more with my aurora photography.


Purple, pink and green. Is it too crazy? I don’t think so :)


What do you guys think? Shall I add these to the shop?