These past few weeks have been a roller coaster ride, and I’ve been very unresponsive to customers as a result, for which I apologize. My mother was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm that, thankfully, had not ruptured. This is a big deal because aneurysms, occasionally fatal ones, seem to run in our family (I will be getting screened myself, just in case).
She went in for surgery, a cerebral coiling to protect the artery and prevent the aneurysm from rupturing. It was a trying day, but the next day she came home. Two days later she complained of feeling faint, and collapsed at home. Thank goodness my father was there and called an ambulance right away.
Mom had suffered a stroke. It is not common following aneurysm surgery, but it’s not unheard of either. A clot formed around the coiling site and traveled. She was immediately given a very powerful medication that would break up any remaining blood clots, but we were asked permission to administer it because there was a 5-10% risk of a fatality. It was a small stroke, but she was hospitalized for almost a week. That first night in the ICU I stayed with her, and we talked, and prayed, and hoped for a full recovery with no lasting disabilities. We were so scared.
Mom has been extremely fortunate. She has full functionality, and is expected to make a full recovery. Yesterday, we brought her home.
We have been fortunate in other ways as well. The community of loving, supportive family and friends that close in around illness is beautiful and humbling. Living in Toronto, we have had access to a first-class healthcare facility in Sunnybrook hospital, the staff and volunteers of which were so professional and caring. They make the difference when you’re going through something so frightening.
Mother’s Day will be extra meaningful to our family this year. We have dodged a bullet, not only in catching the aneurysm before it could rupture, but in recovering fully from a stroke.
Due to this months events, I’m sorry to say there will be no May colour/pattern instalment :( It simply wasn’t possible to test-knit and tech-edit in time. However, I still wanted to dye up a colour to knit something for my mother for Mother’s Day, something huge and bright and cheerful. For this colour I have chosen (of course) Yellow Mums.

Yellow Mums has been added to our website. 50% of all sales will be donated to Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, in honour of my mom and to make a small gesture towards the nurses, doctors, volunteers and support staff who have done so much for us.
This months events have not affected our timelines, I am happy to say :) Tons of orders will hit the post office Monday morning.
Much Love,