John Fluevog Show

Last Thursday The Blue Brick held our first ever public event, a knit night in the Fluevog show store in the lovely distillery district of downtown Toronto.
We had such a fabulous night, meeting knitters (many of whom we knew online, so amazing to meet in person!) chatting with people about yarn and watching all the smooshing, cuddling and petting of yarn that ensued as people took the opportunity to experience our yarns in person.
We saw some of our very favourite people too, and I finally got to meet Julie of Knitted Bliss in person! Why is this so amazing? Well, besides the fact that she’s super sweet and runs an awesome blog, Julie will be designing a pattern with The Blue Brick yarns in the near future. I am more delighted than I can say to be working with such a talented knitter.

By the end of the evening we were tired and happy… but not so tired that we didn’t round out the evening by purchasing fabulous shoes. We were there for three hours… how could we resist? After the show was done, the amazing staff at Fluevog asked us to come back again, and consider another knit night at their Queen West location. We are so pumped!
I really want to thank the staff at Fluevog, and my friends Kathryn & Carol in particular, Carol for really going all out to promote the evening, and Kathryn for being so amazingly helpful at the yarn table – the night could not have happened without you both, and I love you so :)