Ravelry and things
Starry Night, the very last shipments, are going out tonight. With your tracking number there should be a note from me with a coupon code for 15% off your next purchase, to thank you for your patience while we dealt with Shodan and the holiday closures to get everyone’s packages out (let me know if you didn’t get one!). Truly, we appreciated the kind words and support you sent our way.
With that in mind, I am adding the pattern to the Ravelry library of all who requested it (email me if you forgot, or if I forget ;) ) and wanted to let you know a few things:
- The Blue Brick has a quiet, but definitely functional Ravelry Group! Click here to visit and please join us, I promise to interact with it more often. I have brought on the amazing Rayna from First Light Hand Crafts to be my group moderator, she’s a rockstar and will help me keep it going.
- It turns out there are several things on Ravelry called ‘Starry Night’ so please click here for the official pattern listing so you can link up your WIP.
My yarns are also listed on Ravelry, and you can see all of them by clicking here. Thank you so much to everyone who linked up their yarn to help the Blue Brick expand its Ravelry presence!
- For those of you who want to purchase the pattern alone, it will be available on February 1st, on Ravelry, and I will announce it and share the link here :)
Wow! A post without a single photo? Here is a sneak peek of February’s colour way: ‘Forty Shades of Green’…