Tonal Line – Greens and Blues
Today’s colours cover the green-blue spectrum, and two of them hail from across the pond; Grotto and Ireland.
Grotto looks quite different from the earlier versions I posted – I had a shot in mind that I wanted to coordinate the yarn with. I shot it in Italy, in Capri, where there is a natural formation called the “Blue Grotto”. The opening is so small that you have to lie back in a row boat to enter, and the boat is pulled in by a chain. Once there, the colour of the water will blow your mind, I put my hand in the water and watched it glow. You’re only in there for a few minutes and the light conditions were challenging, so I’m also proud of managing to get a shot, though I would have liked to go again without the camera and just experience it.

Ireland is actually the same shot used in an old club colour, but expressed differently in the yarn. I shot it in the Ring of Kerry, through a bus window, hence the hard colour tinting. Normally I would have dumped the shot, but in this case the motion blur, the tilted angles and the vignette from the window all lent a mood to the shot that I really enjoyed.

Finally, Quidi Vidi. Pronounced “Kiddie Viddie” it’s a lake in St. John’s, Newfoundland. We shot the lake in the evening, with a slow shutter, just as the dusk light was ending. The results gave the lake a beautiful blue tone in the final shot, while retaining the warm tones from the surrounding rock.

Warm tones will be showcased tomorrow, and everything launches Friday :)