Etsy update!
It’s been a long time since I did an update of jewellery for sale on Etsy, but I’ve been enjoying my new techniques so much I thought it was time to share :) Here is a selection of the pieces currently for sale on my…
It’s been a long time since I did an update of jewellery for sale on Etsy, but I’ve been enjoying my new techniques so much I thought it was time to share :) Here is a selection of the pieces currently for sale on my…
I just wanted to quickly share 2 things today, that I don’t have proper photography of, but that I’m too excited about to keep to myself! This is my new circular needle holder. Tito made it for me out of polymer clay, and took pains…
After I posted the photos of jazzed up polymer clay I had a moment of enlightenment that, in retrospect, felt bit silly. I realized that instead of going to such trouble to frame my polymer clay, resin it, and add metal components to the back,…
I’ve been experimenting with using metal inclusions and resin coatings to jazz up my polymer clay jewellery – and to give them a more polished feel overall. There are other benefits, besides the aesthetic ones; the resin lends not only shine, but strength to polymer…
I’m sure by now you’ve noticed a theme for the Blue Brick this month–as a Christmas gift to my readers I’m trying to post nothing but crafting tutorials until Christmas day! I wanted to go for 12, but that might have been a bit ambitious…
Continuing on with my Christmas theme, I wanted to share a tutorial on another method for making polymer clay ornaments with a completely different look-faux glazed pottery. This is super simple, fun, and the results are so pretty! You will need: Alcohol inks Fimo liquid…
Today I wanted to share a super simple technique for producing gingerbread men tree ornaments! Tito and I will be giving these to our friends as stocking stuffers this Christmas, but they also make very cute gift tags. You will need: Polymer clay (I’m using…
I bought this bracelet in Bath, England a few years ago. Originally, those silver frames held mother of pearl inserts. I wore the bracelet to a Tragically Hip concert (they rocked the house, btw) and somewhere in there the mother of pearl fell out. I…
I’m still taking my shaky steps in polymer clay. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I loathe it, but I always learn something. I was talking to some artist friends about being a process vs product artist. I vary; when it comes to knitting for example,…
Here is another polymer clay cuff, this time inspired by that great goal of mine, the Northern Lights. Not the aurora as I’ve always seen them–as a diffuse glow coming up from the horizon line, but the full and bright overhead aurora that you can…
This is what Lake Ontario has looked like these past few days. The entire inner harbour is frozen, to the point where only the marine fire unit and the Porter ferry are cutting through. In other words… it’s been cold. Like -40 cold. Mind you,…